Adding and Managing Documents
Let’s take a closer look at how to post and manage documents. Once uploaded, each document has additional tabs or functions accessible by a Manager or Administrator of the site. Under the Edit tab within a document or when using the Add New Document button, settings for each document can be changed.
Documents Dashboard
Documents can be managed from the dashboard, such as edit , unpublish
, delete
or adding documents.
- Document size is limited to 25mb by default to improve the loading time for users on slow internet connections or older computers. If your document is larger than 25mb, we recommend to compress it or to split it into multiple PDFs.
- It is important to save your documents as Adobe optimized PDFs as this provides the best type of compression.
- Do not use special characters in a filename. This increases the chance that it will interfere with the file fully loading and the system mishandling the filename.
Add a New Document
- Title - Name of document.
- Call to Action - Show above. Customizable to your desired message.
- Short Description - Shown above. Displayed on the homepage under the title and on the document detail page. Limited to 500 characters.
Document Options
Download - by checking or unchecking the “Allow Document to be Downloaded” you will control if a download button is displayed at the top of the document for participants to download the pdf. If the button is unchecked viewers will not be able to download the document.
- Show Table of Contents - Konveio automatically displays a Table of Content navigation showing all bookmarks defined in your PDF. No button will show if your PDF does not contain bookmarks or if this setting is disabled.
- Pin to Top of Homepage - Selecting this will display the document on the top of the list or in the first tile of the documents homepage. If selected on multiple, documents will revert to be sorted by date loaded.
Glossary Tooltips - Our glossary feature allows you to add help text popups over every instance of common jargon words or acronyms, adding clarity to your documents for the average visitor. When visitors hover over an underlined word, a help-text definition will appear. To create a glossary, you'll upload a spreadsheet in CSV format with two columns as in our step by step guide: Adding an Interactive Glossary to your PDF.
Download - by checking or unchecking the “Allow Document to be Downloaded” you will control if a download button is displayed at the top of the document for participants to download the pdf. If the button is unchecked viewers will not be able to download the document.
Document Advanced Settings - Advanced settings by document
General - Radio button to show on homepage, un click to hide document. Add description to document.
- Department - if your assigned Administrator has added Departments to your site in the Settings tab, you will be able to select if you want a document to be assigned to a particular department. Departments allow the functionality to limit the visibility of documents, forms, overviews and discussion on the backend of your Konveio site to the department they are assigned. If you do not want to categorize your documents leave all documents, forms, overview pages under the "general" category.
- Show on Homepage - To hide the document from the homepage uncheck the radio button. This can also be used to allow a limited group to have access to the document by only sending the direct link to selected users.
Thumbnail - Reduced size version of an image or picture displayed with the document. Files must be less than 100 MB.
- Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg.
- Images must be smaller than 2024x2024 pixels.
- Images should be a square image. If it is not, images will resize/crop into a square resulting in a portion being cut off or undesired white space.
- Default Image - if customized thumbnail isn’t uploaded.
Document Password - Set a password to limit who can access or strengthen the security of document.
- Document can only be accessible when embedded. Users will not be able to see the document from the Konveio url but will only be able to see the document when embedded into another website.
- PDF Translation - If Google translate is enable on the Settings tab, you will be able to turn off the translation of the document. This may be desired if the document has been professionally translated.
Document Password - Set a password to limit who can access or strengthen the security of document.
Comment Setting - Select the Open, Closed or Hidden radio button to manually update the commenting on a document. After updating the commenting, logout or paste url in a different browser to test your settings.
- Limit to reply to your comments only will allow participants to reply ONLY to a manager or admin comment left on the document. This will limit the location where users can drop comments on the document and allows the manager to provide a prompting question or guidance for the comment. Add a Featured Comment to highlight the comment bubble with dark yellow
participants to click, read and reply. When an admin or manager is logged in, they will have the option to client featured comment, if leaving a comment on a document.
- ADA Accessible - To ensure your document is accessible to all, review our Accessibility Considerations FAQ.
Comment Visibility (Choose who can see other users comments) - You will find this feature and ability to edit under each document. By checking the unregistered user or registered user radio button, you will allow comments to be visible on the document. When embedding and registering users in a different system such as Go Vocal or eHQ, all users are considered on the Konveio site as unregistered. When using integrations with Go Vocal or eHQ, you can check or uncheck the unregistered users to allow ALL users to see comments or to hide comments from ALL users.
Comment Period End Date - Enter a date and time to set an end date for the commenting period. This can also be done manually by going to the Comment Settings tab on the edit page and clicking on the “Closed” radio button. Once the document is closed to comments, the homepage will reflect that commenting is closed and show “read only” status over the thumbnail.
Comment Instructions - Update the instructions in the green bar across the top of a document.
Comment Instructions - Update the instructions in the green bar across the top of a document.
Comment Period End Date - Enter a date and time to set an end date for the commenting period. This can also be done manually by going to the Comment Settings tab on the edit page and clicking on the “Closed” radio button. Once the document is closed to comments, the homepage will reflect that commenting is closed and show “read only” status over the thumbnail.
- Limit to reply to your comments only will allow participants to reply ONLY to a manager or admin comment left on the document. This will limit the location where users can drop comments on the document and allows the manager to provide a prompting question or guidance for the comment. Add a Featured Comment to highlight the comment bubble with dark yellow
AI Services - AI Services is an additional feature that can be added onto your plan by request with your sales contact. AI search feature by default only works on documents uploaded after a site is updated (it will not apply to past documents). Read more on the Anatomy of Konveio's AI. With AI Services enabled on your plan you will have access to:
- Auto-tagging - Add predefined tags to a document to automate the assignment of tags on the comments. This will
- Auto-Theming - Enable to generate cross cutting themes within the tags assigned to the comments. Generate a summary produced by AI that will highlight and summarize common themes. Download the theme report in Word or PDF.
AI Search & Assistant - Enable AI Window to engage a personal document assistant, powered by AI. Users can ask questions and AI will review the document to provide a summary, and answers with page references. Answers will be generated from document references. Display AI Window by Default will engage the AI pop up window to open first when viewing a document.
- AI Search - Will display a standard response that you can design and indicate the page numbers of the relevant information. Is powered by OpenAI's GPT. When asked a question it will scour through each page of a document to provide a personalized reading list of pages within the document that are relevant to their question.
- AI Assistant - Takes AI Search one step further by returning a short and easy-to-read answer to the question assuming the document contains relevant information.
- Summary - Enable Summary to create interactive summaries to help visitors explore your document on their own terms.
- Start with a full-width welcome intro section. Summarize anything with half-width detail sections that can jump visitors to a particular page, bookmark, or chapter within your document. Each sub-section can include formatted text and even embedded content like YouTube videos. Full depth: Use your summary to link across multiple PDFs within the same “document.”
Step-by-step guide - Enabling this allows you to add a quick introduction and content to guide users through your document. Content will appear on the associated pages and PDF file selected. Multiple steps can be added within a guide by clicking + Add another item button.
Menu Setting -
- Provide a menu link - Checking radio button will add a link to the navigation bar at the top of the page or navigation site menu.
- Parent Item - Can be selected to add multiple drop down under a parent item.
Weight - Determines the order of multiple links horizontally.
- Provide a Back Link - Select radio button to create a link shown in the upper left hand corner back to a different document or overview page. Add in your own text for link and back link. As you type in the name of a document or page on your Konveio site, the Back Link will automatically populate.
- Authoring Information - Author can be changed by starting to type desired user name and selecting from drop down. Author will receive email notifications for comments on the document, either immediately or in a daily digest, depending on their account settings. This can be changed on the My Account tab.
- URL Path Settings - The URL will automatically be generated from the input of the “Title” field of the document. Alternatively, you may uncheck the box and enter in a custom URL alias.
Embed Document
You can embed a document to another website by opening the Embed tab>Copy Code>Paste into desired location.
Multiple Documents
Uploading by Chapter - Split a file/document to load in multiple chapters or subtitles to simplify the navigation. Arrange order of chapters by dragging and dropping up or down.
All users will have the functionality to use a drop down bar under the Current Selection to view the chapters of the document to navigate through.
Content Overlay pins
Content overlays should feature clear and descriptive hover text. Yet before a participant will hover and read your text, the preview icon is what will advertise the value, type of media, or interaction (forms/surveys) being offered.
If you're looking for guidance in creating content overlays, take a look at our 2-minute tutorial video.
- Add New Pin - A PIN can be added within a document either to the sidebar or the content directly throughout a document. Content Pins can be moved by simply by dragging from the crossed arrows.
- Sidebar Pin - populates on the left hand side of a document within a set page range. Can be moved up and down with the Priority setting within the edit or create function. To add a sidebar Pin, select the Add Pins button. The + symbol will appear allowing you to add detail to the Sidebar Pin
Content Pin - appears within the page. To add a content pin, select the Add Pins button. The same pin symbol will appear allowing you to add detail to the Content Pin.
Create Pin - The Create Pin form will include the following categories
- Flyout Title - Title that appears on hover
- Icon - The icon selected for the pin will be a symbol used to represent the content. Name of “Font awesome” icon (see here, icon must always start with fa-). Or upload your own icon graphic.
- Pages - Sidebar Pins can be displayed throughout a page range or on a single page, eg “1-5 or 8 or 1, 3,6”
- Priority - Sidebar Pins are sorted by priority. Higher priority Pins float to the top of the list, lower ones to the bottom
- Link - hyperlink to a different location in the website or to an external website
- Video - YouTube video
- Discussion - Create a new content overlay (pin) and select discussions. If the feature is available to your plan level, you will find the discussions dropdown available at the bottom of the list of content types.
- Webform - Create and add in web form, survey or questionnaire. If your document requires the same form in multiple places, you can now reuse one form and simple add a location identifier to track within the comment reporting where in the document it was submitted. 3.5 release available March 2020
- Text or HTML - General text
- Embed Code - Embed code from third party services, like Google Street Views
- View/Delete Existing Pins - Pins can be modified or deleted within the document by opening the Pin from the cog
Create Pin - The Create Pin form will include the following categories
- All Pins within a document can be viewed on the Pins tab. Here Pins can be filtered by Type or Author. Existing Pins can be Edited, Unpublished or Deleted from the Pins tab.
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