Overviews, if enabled, are used as a page builder to add content on a summary or introduction page highlighting topics within different sections. This is done by adding sections of content bundles to the overview page. From the Dashboard select Overviews.
- Add New Overview Page
- Templates - Pre-designed templates allow you to build overview pages by simply adding the desired workshop or workspace. Once added the blocks in the templates can be edited, deleted or more added.
- Title - Add a main title of the overview page if desired
Paragraph Type
Add Content - used to add static text content, paragraphs, hyperlink, pictures and more
Button Styles - Two styles of buttons are available when hyperlinking to other pages or forms. Highlight the text > select hyperlink > add link > select Styles button dropdown.
- Button - red
- Document Button - blue with left flag
- Adding Video
- Konveio allows you to embed a video player from a site like Youtube or Vimeo. These sites all provide embed codes that you can plug into Konveio by clicking on the "Switch to plain text editor " link under the editor and then pasting the code.
Open the Embed shared link
Copy the embed code
Change to rich text editor > Paste into the Content Block of the Overview page > Change the width to 100% to fit the size of the block/screen.
Save and your video will play from the site.
Button Styles - Two styles of buttons are available when hyperlinking to other pages or forms. Highlight the text > select hyperlink > add link > select Styles button dropdown.
Add Long Content - Add a button that will expand to populate additional content. Using this feature allows the user to click to open additional text, content or images. For details on how to add the Discussion feature view the video tutorial at https://urbaninteractivestudio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041597031-Konveio-Sites-Admin-Tutorial (scroll down to the fourth video)
- Introduction
Add Content - used to add static text content, paragraphs, hyperlink, pictures and more
- Expand Content - detailed text that will populate when the Button Title is selected.
- Button Title - once user is done reading, they can collapse the text.
Add Block Grid - Create side by side blocks of content. Here you are able to add up to four items within one row. Or multiple rows with up to four blocks of content.
- Icon - an icon can be added to each block
- Add Image Slider - upload pictures to present content or images in a scrolling carousel. Allowed file types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg. Uncheck Full Width Background and check Full Width Image Slider to present image slider across the full width of the page.
- Add Form - form builder is used to create different types of forms, surveys or questionnaires that can then be used for a variety of functions and to download results. Once a form is built in the FORM builder tab, it can be added into an overview page by selecting Add Form and populate the Choose Form with the name of the form built.
- Add Discussion - Select add discussion to add a discussion button or tile to your overview page. Similar to a FORM, the discussion must be built prior to adding to the overview page. Start typing to choose a discussion, then decide if you want between 1-4 discussions to show in a row.
- Settings - each paragraph type will have different elements to customize the background, format and font within your overview block.
Class - using the dropdown box you will be able to select different elements to change the color of the font, the background, and to adjust the spacing or size of a section by adjusting the padding.
- background-color-overlay - will change the background of the block to the default color. Used over an image to create a translucent color overlay creating a better background for text.
- rounded corners - use this design feature when adding a block of color to an overview section. This will work when the full width background is NOT checked.
- event-Timeline - Create your own timeline page. Use the default icon or add your own as you build out the Event-Timeline in a Block Grid. Below the default icon is used with the name of the event in the title and the date in the body.
Class - using the dropdown box you will be able to select different elements to change the color of the font, the background, and to adjust the spacing or size of a section by adjusting the padding.
- prev-next - used with the Block Grid, add arrow buttons to direct users to a new page. See the following FAQ for more details on how to add prev-next function: https://urbaninteractivestudio.zendesk.com/knowledge/articles/360043952291/en-us?brand_id=727256&return_to=%2Fhc%2Fen-us%2Farticles%2F360043952291
- Color - plain color background
- Image - upload your own image
- Parallax - upload your own image for parallax scrolling
- Full Width Background - selected the radio button in order for the section to be visible across the full width of a screen.
- Reordering Paragraph Types - reorder by using the “Collapse All” and drag and drop function.
Clone an Overview page
Once you have created a page layout you like you can quickly and easily clone that page. Simply click clone at the bottom of the overview page. The page will be cloned and saved with the Title Clone of pagename.
Top Navigation and Dropdown Links
Within the Edit function of the Overview page, scroll to the bottom Menu Settings. Click the radio button Provide a Menu Link. Enter in desired name for link or use auto generated name.
- Parent Item allows a page to be linked below an item.
- Weight option will allow various links to be adjusted above or below other pages.
The top navigation bar can also be configured with the cog which will appear once an overview is added by hovering over the right corner.
Creating a Back Link
The back link will allow users to be easily directed to another page or document.
Back Link - Page options will populate when the name of an existing overview page title is entered.
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